Featured updates in drug, alcohol and impairment

KHP hopes new device will curb drugged driving
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Drugged driving is an epidemic on the rise, and the Kansas Highway Patrol is working to put it to an end.

STATE OF ADDICTION: Device a 'game-changer' for identifying drugged drivers
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The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office will have deputies test a new device aimed at identifying drugged drivers. Six deputies were trained how to use DAX on Tuesday.

KHP equipped with new device to fight drugged driving
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The Kansas Highway Patrol is now turning to a new type of technology, which aims to combat impaired driving. AAA recently purchased a DAX device for KHP to use on the highways.

Device and collaboration strengthens fight against drug impaired driving in Kansas
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“The DAX unit is an advanced tool that will help strengthen our ability to collect tangible evidence against suspected drug impaired drivers and move their cases through to prosecution,” said Jeff Collier, State DEC/SFST Programs Coordinator, Kansas Highway Patrol.

Just say “no” to recreational pot?
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As five states vote on whether to legalize recreational pot, Dr. Jon LaPook visits Pueblo, Colorado, a town that knows firsthand the impact of the legal weed business.

Largest driving impaired conference in nation focuses on Colorado
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DENVER — More than 1,000 law enforcement agents, prosecutors, toxicologists and drug recognition experts converged on Denver for the 22nd annual IACP Impaired Driving Conference on Monday…

A Video is Worth a 1000 Words
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New York Police have a number of methods for combatting DWIs. Some are based on technology such as the breathalyzer while other sobriety tests are based on officer’s perceptions. A device that combines technology with perception is the DAX evidence recorder which has been used by NYPD for about two years…

KVUE - Austin, TX

October 27, 2014
10-43: Be Advised… with Doug Wyllie, PoliceOne Editor in Chie
Cool new police tech tracks eyes to assess drug, alcohol impairment
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